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Daewoo shipbuilding and marine engineering company is selected mainly because it is proposed to meet the Navy's requirements specification frigate At the same time he also said that the Navy asked the company to produce a battle management system (CMS) the system can be nale vanoh escort destroyers and other system installed on the interconnected taksim The frigate Thailand will be the first ship built by South Korea naval ship which will be put into use in two years Displacement of it will be between 3000 to 4000 tons Thailand's cabinet had been approved by the Royal Navy procurement of two frigates 30000000000 baht budget The two frigates will be built according to the sequence of one one According to the sources the preferred selection team Europe frigate but they are too expensive had to give up According to the British ",cheap air jordans;before Jane's Defence Weekly",doudoune pas cher,swiftly towards the; website reported on 29 January according to informed sources Thailand and Chinese has to negotiate China plans to sell Thailand 3 Type 054 frigates $1000000000 contract Jane's said Thailand Navy hopes to buy multi-purpose frigates China recommended Type 054 Jiang Kai class frigate to Thailand selling and USA arms dealers in the littoral combat ship launched a positive competition although the Thailand
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